National Women's Small Business Month

National Women's Small Business Month

Post Date: October 1, 2022

Women Leadership Surge and Small Businesses

October is National Women's Small Business Month celebrating the creative entrepreneurs who took the plunge to start a small business despite gender barriers.

Leadership is learning from other people that are around you and being confident enough to be out in front. There has always been an overwhelming population of women in the work industry related to education, secretarial and other fields of being aides and/or assistants for their male peers. However, in recent years, there has been a vast growth in women becoming grossly independent, whereby they are living single lives (not marrying), entering into high ranking military roles, purchasing their own homes…

In 1972, women only owned 4.6% of all businesses in the United States. Now women own 42% of businesses in the United States.

Women Leadership Surge and Politics

The latest big surge of the rise in women leadership is in the political arena. The major reason for this new surge of women leadership in politics is because of the poisonous and perverted environment that is expediently seeping into our society. Women are becoming more empowered, standing up more for what's right, and saying ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Women are thinking about the future of the innocent [our children].

Former First Lady Michelle Obama summarizes the overall importance of this demographic:

"No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens."

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