NEMT - Non Emergency Medical Transportation

NEMT - Non Emergency Medical Transportation

There are so many factors why one would not feel comfortable behind the wheel but one of the biggest factors simply is, age. Getting older, living with disabilities, doesn’t mean you stopped needing to go anywhere, the need for transporting these clients grew along with the population. Seniors & people with disabilities are citizens and members of this society, so they still have many tasks that must be handled daily. This may include medical appointments, going to the grocery store, and the various other errands that they may have.

Types of Personal Transportation

  • Volunteer driver programs are nonprofit organizations that have developed a network of volunteers that offer transportation for shopping, recreation, doctors’ appointments, and any possible other needs.
  • Para-transit Service: Private agencies provide services using their own minibuses or small vans for those with disabilities
  • Door through Door Service: Agencies that offer door to door services, they offer some personal assistance help not to the level of a care provider, but they will get you from your door to the door of your destination.

Planning for Senior Transportation

  • How long has said business been in business? Is it reliable?
  • Do they have insurance Coverage?
  • Do they have sufficient transport vehicles available?
  • Do they undergo background checks and alcohol testing?
  • Are they equipped to handle emergencies?
  • What are their wait times like?

Glo Services LLC guides leaders in healthcare with the credentials of equipment requirements to expand transport services to serve communities for the disabled, indigent and senior living communities. 

Keep In Touch

Any questions you might have we will happily answer them